Over the past couple of weeks something miraculous has happened. I have
stuck to my fitness plan (below) and feel really, really great as a result. Even though my final exams ever are hurtling towards me at a terrifying speed, and I have no real plan of what to do when they are over except hope that my life stays fun and carefree, I wake up everyday feeling happy and grateful to have another day where those are my biggest concerns.
Here are a few things I have managed to do, most of which I never thought I would be able to!
Run everyday for 20 minutes. I asked my boyfriend who can exercise all day (even though he doesn't!) for tips on running, because it is something I have always hated/been really bad at and he said there isn't any. You just have to force yourself to do it. So that is what I have done everyday, just literally forced myself to make time, go to the gym and run.
When you fully commit to doing something you don't like, even though you know it will be beneficial for you in the long
run (hehehe see what I did there) it becomes more of an achievement than a challenge. By forcing myself to do it everyday I manage to focus better on my work and plan out my day - I'm already out of bed!
Eaten Healthily
have had a major addiction to chocolate. I ate it at least once a day and found it literally impossible to give up, being able to eat whatever I liked when I was younger with a great metabolism set really bad habits in me which I really doubted I would ever be able to get rid of. Being given motivation though, as in an actual goal to get into shape for somehow has made me give up the thing I loved so much and realise that I don't actually need it. I haven't eaten chocolate for two weeks and I can honestly say that (most days) I don't miss it.
Instead I have spent a looong time thinking of healthy replacements, and found some really great recipes in the process. Here are a few:
Two Ingredient Pancakes
Mix two eggs and a banana together; fry (preferably with coconut/low fat oil!). This is the easiest and healthiest recipe I have found so far and it has resulted in me and my best friend tweaking it until we found a truly amazing concoction today of adding cinammon, raspberries, coconut and maple syrup. Tastes like normal pancakes but leaves you way more energised.
I have literally been living off eggs for two weeks. Boiled, scrambled, poached - they are literally so good for you and at 74 calories each, so easy to incorporate into each meal. Also a really good source of protein for poor students who can't afford(be bothered) to buy/cook meat every night. (Also I just really hate touching dead animals!)
Fruit has also become a super massive part of my day, replacing the sugar highs that chocolate once gave me. Lemon water is a really great appetite suppressant, strawberries have become my new addiction, apple and cinnamon (baked, microwaved, raw), an orange on the way to uni, and obviously bananas (for my new 'pancake' addiction) have basically become my staple. I know some diets say you should avoid fruit because of their fructose - but this is
good sugar. It isn't going to hurt you, its a natural alternative to processed

Being kind
I thoughtlessly left my Michael Kors watch (21st birthday present) on a treadmill the other day and was absolutely convinced it had gone forever. By some act of pure kindness, someone handed it in the next day. This has made me really believe in the good of general people - Londoners get a bad reputation for scowling and rushing to work, but if you ever actually need something there will be someone there to help you. Every time I'm lost in the middle of nowhere looking for a casting, someone always helps me. Every time I drop something in the street - oyster card, sunglasses, ID - it comes back to me in one form or another.
Maybe I am just really lucky, but the great majority of what I have seen in London is kindness and it is really nice to give it back. Just complimenting strangers, telling them you like something they are wearing,
because you actually do can make their whole day and makes you feel good. If I want to compliment a random person or help someone out, I just make myself do it before thinking about their reaction or how weird they will think I am, because 99% of the time they are really happy and grateful too. Make the world a nicer place!
I also really love reading the daily 'good deed feed' in the Metro! :)
Seeing/talking to people I love
This is the most important. I have spent time with most of my best friends this week, and am seeing the rest later on in the week. I was moaning about people not contacting me, when my friend asked 'have you contacted them?' - she's right. Spending time with my boyfriend and seeing my cousin audition for a massive drama school (and getting through to the finals!), seeing my family and going for lunch with my dad all make a massive difference to my general mood. I am really lucky to have some truly amazing people in my life, you probably are too!
Coming up is massive change in mine and pretty much everyone I know's life - I'm not too worried because I know it will all work out just fine :)
what has made you happy lately?
- all corny pictures shameslessly lifted from pinterest, the internet's prettiest, most entertaining form of procrastination -