Since finishing uni, all I have felt like doing on a Friday night is curling up in bed with the boyfriend with lots of snacks, and getting a looong nights sleep. Until it hit me that I have become officially old, and I am wasting away the best nights of my life making memories that I won't remember (where I can still go out clubbing all night for free and only be mildly hungover the next day).
So last Friday, we rectified the situation.
Starting off at regular haunt Mahiki, we tiki-ed down and sipped from pineapples & coconuts, dancing to cheesy music.

Then off to the Box, which is my favourite club in London. Wonderfully wacky, you can literally see ANYTHING at this place, from tap dancing monkeys to people being lifted up by their hair... to slightly more 'interesting' shows involving a hell-lotta nudity and overall extreme weirdness. The only word to adequately describe it is surreal.
It's stricly no photographs, but we sneaked a few...

Without wanting to give too much away, this night we saw a ping pong show (not the sort involving a table) and a utterly bizarre dance off between a 7 foot transvestite and a topless male wearing 9 inch high heeled boots. They both could dance a million times better than I can ever hope to, how depressing </3
It's a beautiful club set in an old theatre, with elegant, classy people dancing crazily like nobody's watching. Definitely worth a check out if you are in London - totally mad!
Then, true to party-all-night mode, we went to new club After Past Midnight, which unsurprisingly opens after midnight (2am) and is located in Paramount, overlooking all of London.

The views are beautiful, and as it is open all night you can watch the sun rise! (except we gave up, and went home in search of mcdonalds like the classy people we are before the sunrise).

A completely mad night, to make up for the past three months of hardly any alcohol or partying!